Advantages of bituminous roof

The most popular and one of the cheapest bituminous roofing materials is the rubberoid. Tile and bitumen tile are actually one of the types of rubberoid, characterized in the main form - it is assumed that it imitates more noble roofing materials, especially ceramic tile. Why should I consider roof from bitumen raw materials?

Tile and bitumen tile - characteristics
Tile and bitumen tiles are a coating with a layered structure. Beginning from below, they consist of: fiberglass matrix, flooded by bitumen, mineral sprinkling and ceramic granulate.

An important property of bituminous roofs is the ability to self-incubation. Under the influence of solar heat, the layers of tiles are glued automatically without the need for additional gluing.

Tiles are covered with decorative sprinkle not only to look attractive. In her opinion, it is also the protection of a material sensitive to UV radiation. It must cover the bituminous layer tightly. As a result, the rubberoid is sufficient enough to samovolize and properly seal the design, but does not overheat and does not deteriorate.

Benefits of the tiles and bitumen tiles
One of the most important features of the bituminous roof is its flexibility. Not only because it makes it easy to quickly and accurately create a coating, but also because the roof is constantly in operation and is exposed to various forces that are well absorbed by flexible bitumen materials.

The big advantage of roofing tiles and the shingle is their appearance. The tile imitates a popular flat tile - a very desired roof shape according to aesthetic considerations. Multicolored mineral sprinkle allows you to have a roof of any color, several colors and even creates an attractive parade view and highlights your home among the many similar in the district.

The bitumen tile is not only beautiful and flexible, but also easy to styling, especially since successive rows are automatically connected under the influence of heat, which greatly facilitates the bonding and sealing of the roof. Its durability is estimated from 10 to 40 years - it depends on the quality of the coating, as well as on the accuracy and painstability of the installation work.

Another advantage of the shingles and bitumen tiles is the price. They are much cheaper than, for example, ceramic coatings, but, in turn, are somewhat more expensive than the rolled backrueroid. The tile price affects, among other things, form, color and quality (for example, the number of sprinkling). The best thing about my work is the fact that I very often have free time, I work as a freelancer, and sometimes you need something to occupy yourself and just distract from everything not to burn out at work, for such purposes I have a great place which allows me to relax or just have fun when no mood, the casino has many games, it is reliable and most importantly no cheating! Do not believe me, come and see for yourself, after that, thank me and tell everyone he will advise!
