Cucumber. Everything you need to know about this watery vegetable

Cucumber consists almost entirely of water. Is there anything worth paying attention to in it? How can you cook valuable food from it? It is considered by many as a healthy and valuable vegetable that should be included in the daily menu to preserve health and beauty. Subconsciously, its usefulness is associated with the green color. Meanwhile, cucumber is not only not the food itself, but on the contrary, it deprives us of the beneficial effects of other vegetables.

What is hidden in a cucumber?

Fresh cucumber, in addition to water, which makes up 95% of its composition, also contains a certain amount of vitamins C and K, as well as a certain amount of vitamins from group B. Eating a few fresh cucumbers covers our vitamin needs only to a very small extent. Cucumber also contains a little potassium, magnesium and sodium. Peeled, it loses half of the already trace amounts of all vitamins and minerals.

Pay attention to compatibility.

Fresh cucumber should not be combined with vitamin C-rich vegetables, as it contains ascorbinase, which destroys ascorbic acid. Thus, combining cucumbers with tomatoes deprives us of vitamin C, which we could get from them. We can observe the effect of such a mechanism in the case of brisket, which is also rich in ascorbinase.

It's better sauerkraut.

The fermentation process destroys ascorbinase. In addition, cucumber gains a little more useful vitamin C and B12, and also becomes easily digestible and is well suited for removing excess water from the body. It improves intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on digestion. At first glance, a wonderful vegetable, but is it?

Not just one plus.

Pickled cucumbers are, first of all, a whole sea of salt. People suffering from hypertension should avoid them, or choose low-salt ones. One well-salted cucumber can completely cover our daily need for salt. The ability to remove water from the body makes cucumber not the best companion of alcohol. An excess of cucumbers can only increase the hangover the next day.

How to buy cucumbers?

Pickles should be taken directly from the barrel in which they float. Such barrels are found in many stores, the customer can look at cucumbers and independently choose the right amount. Try not to buy cucumbers in plastic bags. Avoid canned cucumbers. More processed, they contain unnecessary additives, for example, sugar. In addition, they are pasteurized. Needless to mention, Royallama casino bonuses are attention-grabbing. They're free, and here we talk about the experience of using some of them. You can get the bonus money and enjoy playing for longer using the same deposit you would normally have made . You can even win more and experience the casino without depositing a large sum. In addition, new players can get welcome deposit bonuses, including free 5 EUR.
