It all starts in childhood

Specialists in the field of child and age psychology, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, teachers identify the periods of infancy and early childhood as key periods in the development of personality. What is the reason for this?The period of infancy is marked by complete dependence on parental involvement. The baby is unable to serve himself and is completely dependent on external conditions. At this time, he "absorbs" the formulas of social interaction. No parental impulse remains undeveloped. Feeding, phrases, intonations, the process of bathing, walking - everything is put into the piggy bank of the child's consciousness and affects the creation of his life scenario. At this time, the makings of adaptation and resistance mechanisms are formed.By about two years old, a small person becomes relatively independent. He has already understood how to feel, how to achieve the realization of desires, coordinated himself in relation to the surrounding world (limited by parents and close people). At the age of two, a sensitive period begins, when the baby prepares himself for the crisis of 3 years. An understanding of one's own self is being formed. There is an assimilation of personality and demands from the outside. The kid already "knows" what well-being is, or, conversely, has some protection mechanisms to achieve his goals, but does not have the information to be present in society at all.How do parents act? Out of the kindest intentions, they share everything that they know and know how to do. The paradox is that a person is unable to reproduce the memories of early childhood. Probably, this is the reason for parental inattention to the peculiarities of thinking and perception of babies.The main mechanisms of influence on children are instructions, prescriptions. Adults tend to define their wishes in the form of pointing sentences. They indicate what cannot be done or can be done, and often the instructions include interrogative components. Do not forget that a child under 7 (sometimes 10 years old) has a specific mindset. And he takes all the information literally. Instructions, prescriptions are not the best way to interact.If parents announce that there is no need to run on the roof, then the child can accept this statement as permission to go to the basement. Specifics and a rich fantasy world can generate a long chain from an inept utterance. Children tend to look for "hidden" meaning in the words of adults and invent tools to achieve their own "well-being". Parents should not make do with common phrases. An explanation is needed. And it is necessary to take into account the inclinations of the baby. If you understand which fairy tale he likes the most, which character "catches", which games and actions make him happy, then you can understand the children's "alien" language. Where to buy kamagra oral jelly online no prescription?
